Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Attended a Wedding

This past weekend Jessica and I attended a wedding in Steamboat Springs; it was my second or third, or once-removed cousin or something like that. I wasn't the photographer, but I did take some pictures, which was helpful. But what was more helpful was just to sit back and watch everything happen. Since I expect to be the "official" photographer at the next few weddings I attend, it was helpful to kind of observe. The wedding itself was a bit unusual, seeing that the ceremony was outdoors in Steamboat Springs in the winter. What that means is there were 50 well dressed people, in 6 inches of snow, in 8 degree temperatures. Luckily the ceremony only lasted about 20 minutes, the reception was very nice, and I got to meet some famlily members that I had never met before. I also heard the standard "the last time I saw you, you were just a baby," line more than a few times. Overall it was helpful to sit back and watch a wedding, it reminded that the actual day will be stressful, but it also reinforced how much I enjoy weddings, and how excited I am to be a wedding photographer.

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